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May 27, 2001
Oh, I nearly forgot. Also on one of the videos received from home, sandwiched between two episodes of Spaced, was a late-night book review panel program. The book in question was number9dream, which I read a couple of months ago. The reviews were fairly luke-warm, which is fair enough. It's beautifully written in parts and very enjoyable, but loses it a bit near the end.
It was all going pretty well - fairly low pretentiousness factor, well informed comments (though one of the reviewers did keep mispronouncing the hero's name) - until one of the critics, in all seriousness, used the word "architectonics".
What? I mean, I know it's a real word (barely, though) but, for god's sake. Critic one, listening public nil. Very clever. What's wrong with "plot" or "structure"? Grief.
People who go around trying to discombobulate others like that really piss.. me... off.... oh. Whoops.
Posted by chris at May 27, 2001 02:14 AM | Permalink