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« January 2002 | Main | March 2002 » February 25, 2002Gold, eh?Well, I finally accepted that I wasn't going to find anyone who'd taped the Olympic men's hockey final. So I pulled my head out of the self-imposed sand (and let me tell you, imposing sand upon yourself is pretty dashed difficult in this wired day and age) and exposed myself to the result, fearing the worst... only to find myself whooping out loud and, I dare say, pumping my fist emphatically in the air a couple of times. I hate sports bars but... even so... man, I wish I'd been in Montreal for that one. It was also good to see a Brit finish in the medals in the slalom, of all things - I definitely didn't see that one coming. I suppose that's got to be the best result since way before even the Bell Brothers in the 80's, whose training regimen I seem to remember involved crouching on car roofs and being driven across disused airfields at high speeds, which to my mind should really have been a sport in its own right. So GBR finished 18th, then, ahead of such luminaries as the Czech Republic, Sweden and even... Japan. The Japanese media have been pretty scathing about their athlete's performances after the glory of the Nagano Games four years ago, but I think some kind of reality check was inevitable after such a great performance last time, what with the home advantage and so on. It occurs to me that in order to climb up the medals table and compete with the Estonias and Hollands of this world (yes, that's right, the Netherlands, famous for their harsh winters and mountainous environs) we need to specialize in a single sport. All we need is curling made a compulsory part of the National Curriculum and we could be better than, ooh, Spain within a decade or so. Posted by chris at 11:12 PM | Permalink How do you eat yours?I think I may have said this before, but one of the best things about doing web design jobs for friends is that you can neatly avoid any embarrassing discussions over payment by simply having them mail you chocolate every now and then. And on that note, a huge thanks to George for the Drifters and Cadbury's Creme Eggs. Mmmmm. Posted by chris at 10:58 PM | Permalink February 24, 2002Pizza weirdnessBeware Pizza Hut Japan's newest addition to their menu: The Garlic Kingdom. Next month, the Fungi Fiefdom. Thank you very much, I'm here all week. Posted by chris at 10:44 PM | Permalink gung-ho godzilla groupieNew left-hand sidebar - decided it was about time I got around to rotating it again. Also I really ought to update the reading list... and the browsing... and the clubbing... oh, the whole damn sidebar, really. The problem is that I've recently discovered the joys of PHP in concert with MySQL, and I theenk I'll probably be re-doing the entire site to take advantage of this in the near future. So, stuck between two horses at the moment. It hasn't really taken me that long to not finish How to Be Good, I swear. Posted by chris at 09:46 PM | Permalink February 23, 2002Dem bonesAnd while we're on the subject of Olympic disciplines, I was heartened to see that the official title of the men's skeleton event, at least according to the results graphics at the bottom of my TV screen during the various heats, was not "Men's Skeleton" but in fact the much more excellent "Skeleton Men". Anybody else want to join me in lobbying the IOC to get "Attack of the" added to the front of that in time for the Turin 2006 games? (And I should at least thank the IOC for reminding me, indirectly, about this excellent Onion story, too.) Posted by chris at 03:04 PM | Permalink February 20, 2002We can dance if we want to; We can leave your friends behindFigure skating... I know that it refers to the fact that the music is the same for all competitors, and that they have to perform a predetermined sequence of moves, but even so... "Compulsory Dance" always struck me as an odd name for a sporting event. When the Athens 2004 games come round, I'll be looking out for the Generally Ambivalent Synchronized Swimming Duets and the Oh-it's-alright-you-don't-really-have-to-if-you-don't-feel-like-it Mixed Doubles Badminton. Posted by chris at 11:47 PM | Permalink Let's play bowlingI love finding random japlish-bearing receipts in pairs of trousers I haven't worn for ages; this one's from a ten-pin bowling alley, on the occasion of Raju's birthday last month: Do you like bowling?
Let's play bowling.
Breaking down the pins
and get hot communication.
There was certainly a lot of breaking down the pins going on, but I don't remember getting much hot communication. Possibly that happened while I was in the bathroom - at the same time as the launching of every Zig for great justice, no doubt. Posted by chris at 09:06 PM | Permalink February 19, 2002You've got britpopThat's frustrating - about 25 seconds into What Do I Do Now by Sleeper, there's an effect which sounds exactly like Outlook Express's "new mail" chime. I'm sort of attuned to it now, but what with that and the AIM "opening door" creak about 40 seconds into Basement Jaxx's Crazy Girl, it was a mildly unsettling morning. I need a longer playlist. Posted by chris at 08:53 PM | Permalink February 14, 2002Walk without rhythm and we won't attract the wormI wish my monitor wouldn't shake so much during large earthquakes - what with that and the desk vibrating, it becomes almost impossible to use the mouse when I'm playing Dune 2000. The glasses by the sink are rattling, my CD collection is shuffling inexorably closer to the edge of the shelf, and there's me in the middle of it, trying to hold the desk steady and muttering "Must... control... desert... armies...". Priority check, please. That's why PlayStation controllers are more suited to gaming during earthquakes - two hands, no solid surface needed. And if you have the dual-shock vibrating version, you might not even notice the quake in the first place, allowing for fewer distractions during those crucial sneak-up-behind-the-enemy-and-garotte-them-where-they-stand moves in Metal Gear Solid 2. Posted by chris at 08:20 PM | Permalink February 08, 2002How to get your British driving license converted to a Japanese oneHow to get your British driving license converted to a Japanese one: 1) Find the official Web page which tells you that you need to take your original license, passport, gaijin card and 3,000 yen to your nearest driving license examination center. Posted by chris at 04:27 PM | Permalink | Comments (2) February 07, 2002rm -rf hairFans of open-source hairdressing will no doubt be glad to hear that there's an emporium in Akabane called "Unix The Supermodel Hair Salon". I can't believe that having several thousand people working on your 'do simultaneously is a good idea, though. Posted by chris at 10:52 PM | Permalink February 05, 2002Cough hack splutterCough cough hack splutter cough hack... man, that *hurt*. I'm extremely bad at being sick. I don't do it very often, don't get very much practice, can't cope with it when it happens. I become grumpy, acerbic, and even more self-centered than usual - not the kind of person, in short, who's fun to be around. I wish I had the strength of character to put up with it without saying a word, but the thing about feeling miserable is that you tend to act... well, miserable. Der. Anyway. Since last Thursday I've had the flu. Take one cough that feels like it's trying to rattle your liver up to street level, add a nose which swings back and forth between "completely blocked" and "niagara falls" with all the nervous energy of a ADD case study whose Ritalin has run out, throw in a few twisted back muscles, heat until sweaty even in a well air-conditioned room and deprive of sleep for up to 72 hours at a time, and you have a rough idea of my physical state over the last few days. Still, there's far too many good things coming up to look forward to for me to have time to wallow around feeling crappy. So screw being ill. Sod it. I'll pretend that I'm fighting fit, and any pathogens who think otherwise can just bugger off. The recovery starts now. *Hack* Well, maybe tomorrow. Posted by chris at 04:38 PM | Permalink |
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