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« October 2002 | Main | October 2005 » September 30, 2005Bar George, by George
But anyway. This was on the way back from Soma, which is on the edge of that hilly area just west of the Yamanote Line tracks between Shibuya and Daikanyama. Lots of nice little bars and cafes around there, and the novelty of having hills to navigate (Tokyo is otherwise largely flat) makes it a fun place to explore. Don't let the Soma website fool you, by the way; they portray themselves as a massage studio which just happens to have a cafe / bar downstairs, but in actual fact they are more a cafe / bar which just happens to have a massage studio upstairs. Well, that's where my priorities lie, anyway. Further reading: Metropolis review of Soma Posted by chris at 08:32 AM | Permalink | Comments (2) September 28, 2005To bounce or not to bounce?As I mentioned earlier, and as anyone who has met me even tangentially (sorry) over the past 20 months could probably tell you, I bought a Mac almost two years ago, and fast became one off those annoying Mac people who tell everyone they meet to join them in switching away from the Dark Side. However, I only started using the Mac to handle my e-mail a little while ago. (My PC has all my archived mail for both Tokyo Tales and the Kanji SITE on it, y'see, so I was in no hurry to transfer it all. But anyway.) So I'm now using the Mail software that comes as standard with OS X, and really liking it. It took a while to get used to the advanced settings, and the search function doesn't appear to be as flexible as on Outlook Express, but I think I've got it sorted. One thing that Mail has that Outlook Express didn't is a "Bounce" option. Let's say you receive a piece of junk mail; Mail allows you to right-click and fake-bounce it back to the sender. So the spammer gets a "This mail could not be delivered" message from your address. Pretty neat, huh? So I bet the spammer will take my address off his list now, right? Er, no. I was a little skeptical as to whether this would work or not, given the amount of spam that's sent with forged "From:" headers, so did a little research this evening. And it appears that the general consensus is, "don't bother". There are a number of convincing arguments, but here are two biggies: Firstly, you're probably not bouncing it back to the actual sender; most spam comes from faked addresses. (These are amazingly easy to forge; it's just like writing a fake "Return to sender" address on the back of a real-world envelope. And we've all done that at some point, haven't we? Don't answer that.) So you're actually sending a "Undeliverable mail" message to someone who doesn't deserve to see it / won't understand it / is getting thousands of genuine bounce messages anyway and is already plenty pissed off with having their address hijacked without you rubbing it in any further. Secondly, even if your fake bounce message did reach the actual spammer who mailed you in the first place, it's highly unlikely that he's going to take the time to prune his list down. The list he's using most likely has a ton of expired addresses on it, and so he gets hundreds or thousands of bounces every time he fires up the old spam cannon* - bounces which he ignores, because a) they might work next time and b) he just doesn't care. More cogent arguments here and here. (It does feel awfully good, though.) Posted by chris at 10:48 PM | Permalink September 27, 2005The WaterboysOh. My. God. I wish I had a blank video tape free... you guys have no idea what you're missing here. It's amazing just what makes it onto TV here in Japan, sometimes. For example, right now I appear to be watching the Japanese National High School Synchronised Swimming Championships... which would be weird enough, only it's the Boys' championships. You know... for boys. Not girls. Boys. Doing synchronised swimming. Seriously, we have a team of about twenty 12-to-15-yr-old schoolboys in matching speedos, doing the most outrageously fey aquatic dance routine you've ever seen. It's terrible. Just terrible. So many things make it much much worse than you might imagine... the trance soundtrack, the Busby-Berkeley-50's-musical-style diving into the swimming pool in perfect synchronisation, the matching speedos and bathing caps, the absolutely menacing fixed grimaces - make them stop, please, just stop f**king smiling like that, you look like your face is about to snap in half - the prancing, the more prancing, the (male) presenter sporting a pink boa... it's the Perfect Storm of camp. Amazingly, I have not had to make any of this up. Oh - the music's just changed. It's Radiohead's Idioteque. That's too good to be true - doesn't it have a line in it, something like "I'm not scaremongering, this is really happening"? And now the Star Wars theme. And all this is taking place in an apparently specially-constructed swimming pool, with light show, fireworks, and even a rising-out-of-the-floor golden bauble thing to bear the enthusiastically posing teens to poolside. We're talking scarred for life, here. Oh god - the male coach of the team is, by the end of their routine, in tears. Fabulous, darling, just fabulous. I think I'm going to turn the TV off now, and just sit in silent horror for the rest of the evening. Goodnight. Posted by chris at 10:04 PM | Permalink | Comments (4) September 25, 2005Wipeout Pure "Walkthrough" updated at IGNI tend to frown on walkthroughs, and I'm not sure this even counts as one, seeing as Wipeout is a racing game and not a "go left, pick up the enema tubing, go back to the previous room and give it to the constipated goblin"-kind of game. But anyway, the Wipeout Pure Walkthrough hosted at IGN has just been updated, so if you're having difficulty with the game, you may like to check it out. (Progress report: 179 golds.) Posted by chris at 12:39 PM | Permalink Agile sports life, I maintainAs seen on a sweatshirt sat opposite me on the train: OPEN AIR - LET EACH MAN DO HIS BEST If a Jedi you would become, agile sports life maintain must you, mmm, yes.
AGILE SPORTS LIFE I MAINTAIN Originally from the Tokyo Tales v2.0 Japlish archives. First posted 2000/12. Posted by chris at 08:30 AM | Permalink September 24, 2005The Getaway 2: Black Monday - Japan release date announcedSo, you remember The Getaway? The PS2 game that came out in 2002 in which you played an ex-gang member drawn back into the seedy underbelly of London's criminal underworld? The one where you had to drive a series of vehicles on missions around an extremely realistically modelled London? Then get out and shoot people / set fire to things? The one with the madly over-the-top cockney accents? The one with the piss-poor third-person shooter control system? Of course you do. Well, Black Monday, the sequel to The Getaway, was released in the UK late last year. At the time, I had a look around for any signs of a Japan release date but came up empty-handed. As a character from the game would no doubt say, "Faaakin' 'ell!" Well, quite. However! Cor blimey, stone the crows, me old mucker! I recently tried again and this time hit paydirt. The sequel will be released in Japan on November 10th 2005, or 2005年11月10日, if you prefer. The page is here, if you want to do it that way. Now, a word or two of warning: the original game was highly entertaining, but, as mentioned above, suffered from an appallingly-implemented third-person-shooter control system in the running-about-shooting sections (among other faults). I didn't mind this too much, as the driving missions more than made up for it. The sheer thrill of deftly weaving a Lexus Coupe through oncoming traffic while haring the wrong way at speed round Hyde Park Corner, with Yardies and cop cars in hot pursuit, was unbeatable. Unfortunately, all reviews indicate that these problems have not been fixed in the sequel. Which is a real shame, because I bet it's going to look awesome, with the same OTT production values as the first game and (please, please) even more outrageous cockney posturing. So, if ¥7,140 sounds a bit steep, I suggest you wait for a second hand copy. Right - I'm off to practice my East London gangland patois. Shut it! The Getaway: Black Monday - Official Site (Sega) Posted by chris at 07:17 PM | Permalink September 23, 2005Oneself whom be actualAs seen on the back of a sweatshirt in Higashi Nakano: STANDARD So if you're lost and need to be found, remember: be "actual". Works every time.
ONESELF WHOM BE ACTUAL IS CERTAINLY FOUND Originally from the Tokyo Tales v3.0 Japlish archives, which existed independently of my setup. First posted 2001/03. I'll be digging some of these out and re-posting them occasionally, in an gradual effort to get all the old content into this snazzy new Movable Type format. Posted by chris at 08:29 PM | Permalink September 22, 2005Next PSP Wipeout Pure Download Available - Coca-Cola Pack 3The third Coca-Cola-themed expansion pack for Wipeout Pure is available as of today. To download, find a wireless hotspot and connect via the game's Online feature. The password for this one is square-X-circle-triangle. The pack contains another Coke skin and, more promisingly, an extra circuit to race. Although, having just raced it for the first time, it seems awfully similar to one of the earlier circuits, just with Coke billboards plastered all over it... I'll check and get back to you. While I'm here, a progress report for you: the Gold Medal count now stands at... 169. I thought I was doing quite well, until I sat down and counted how many were remaining... seventy-odd. Sheesh. That's the "problem" with these expansion packs... the game just keeps on growing. Better crack on, then... Update: Yes, as suspected, the Coke circuit is identical to Iridia, the first Delta Pack circuit, right down to the placement of the speed boost and weapons pads. The only differences are the numerous Coke billboards and the predominantly red colour scheme. The game counts it as a separate track, with its own quota of race and time trial medals to be won, but it would have been nice to have a completely new circuit to play with. Thus, I would have to rate this expansion pack as "of interest to completists only". And anyway, teaming up with Coke, of all things... the very epitome of bland, mainstream corporate branding. It's hardly edgy. Seems like a step back from the days of Wipeout 2097/XL and their Red Bull obsession. Posted by chris at 11:16 PM | Permalink | Comments (2) September 13, 2005Flash - He'll save every one of us
If for some reason you don't have a Flash-capable browser, or perhaps you JUST DON'T APPRECIATE ALL OF BRIAN'S HARD WORK then you can choose a non-flash version via the right-hand toolbar (look for "disable flash banner") or just subscribe to the RSS feed instead. Personally I like to leave it running in a permanently open browser window, but that may just be proud-father syndrome at work. The rest of the design of the site is the total sum of conscious and unconscious influences harvested over the last six months or so of intensive web browsing, but I'll happily admit that there are shades of the Gawker Media, Errol Morris and Mid-Tokyo Maps sites in there somewhere. Steal from the best, son. (Though I'd just like to point out that I was using right-hand side navigation, like, four years ago, dahlink.) It should display fine in most modern browsers, though I'm not going to make any claims as to the validity of the code. I will say this, though - everything looks better in Safaaaaaaaaari. Posted by chris at 09:31 PM | Permalink September 10, 2005Things I Have Been Doing Since We Last Met #4 - Switching to a MacTwo years ago, wanting to replace my aging desktop PC, I overcame my longstanding Apple apathy (Applethy?) and bought an Apple PowerBook, the 15" aluminium edition - and I haven't looked back since. There were a number of reasons for the switch, which I will perhaps detail at a later date. For now, all you need to know is that the Apple OS X operating system is every bit as intuitive and user-friendly as everyone says, that it's much more stable than Windows, and that it will interact perfectly happily with Windows PCs and file formats. Plus - and I'm sorry, but this does matter - the hardware is gorgeous. If it was gorgeous but sucked ass, or was ugly as sin but kicked ass, that would be one thing. But gorgeous *and* an ass-kicker? You need one of these beauties. Posted by chris at 02:36 PM | Permalink | Comments (2) September 08, 2005Things I Have Been Doing Since We Last Met #3 - Getting My Yoga OnEr, yes. I don't quite know how it happened, but I started going to yoga classes a few months ago. Yoga's one of those things that I'd always been a little wary of, you know... it always seemed a little new-agey, drum-circley, trendy-cod-spirituality, macrobiotic-diet-zealotty... actually, I'm not sure half of those are even words, so I'll stop there but, well, perhaps you get my drift. However, it's actually pretty good. I'm not big on the whole spiritual aspect of it, as you might have inferred from the above rant (the rest of the class chants "om", I mumble "umm..."), but as far as an exercise regimen goes it's certainly hitting the spot. I have something of a breakthrough to announce: after just three months of classes, I am now able to touch my toes for the first time in, I estimate, 25 years. Seriously, I've just never been able to do it until now. It's not like I'm too tubby or anything - quite the opposite, I more closely resemble a particularly dehydrated grasshopper who's been on hunger strike for the last six months - but I'm about as flexible as one of those ice-ace neanderthal corpses they're always chipping out of the Himalayan permafrost. So, I'm enjoying the yoga. I have my own mat and everything, though obviously I balked at getting one in organic, earthy colours. Luckily Nike do gun-metal grey ones with pseudo-pscientific "biomimetic grip matrix" patterns woven into them, which was suitably pretentious for my future-tech sensibilities. (It'll have to do until Apple bring one out, anyway - an iMat? Nevermind.) A big shout must go out to Leza, May, Bibi and everyone at Sun & Moon Yoga in Meguro, to whom I dedicate my newly-reachable toes; thanks, guys - my toes are your toes (but much, much hairier). Posted by chris at 11:07 PM | Permalink September 07, 2005Fictionsuit (singular)Well that's a coincidence. No sooner do I blog about my ex-Fictionsuits partners in crime and what should I find on Misuba's homepage but his latest project, called, er... Fictionsuit. It's a collaborative-fictive community, and it's well worth a browse. Posted by chris at 10:14 PM | Permalink September 06, 2005Things I Have Been Doing Since We Last Met #2 - Lovin' My PSPAs regular visitors to the previous incarnation of Tokyo Tales may remember, I used to spend a significant amount of time blogging about my PlayStation2 obsession, in particular the Gran Turismo series. Three years later, we're up to Gran Turismo 4 which, yes, of course, I bought, and yes, of course, I spent four months playing solidly, and yes, of course, threatened to derail every other aspect of my personal life, and yes, of course, I eventually got bored of. (24-hour endurance races? In real time? Even I balked at the thought of that.) That one's doomed to remain lodged at 79% complete for a while longer, I fear. However, apart from the GT4 and a brief daliance with The Getaway, which only came out in Japan in late 2003, it's been a largely gaming-free existence for the last few years. And then Sony went and brought out the PSP... Ah, the PSP. With this little bundle of sleek black sexiness, Sony are clearly aiming to do for handheld gaming what they did for console gaming with the PlayStation - not pioneer it, which obviously it's too late for (most people would credit Nintendo's 1989 Game Boy with that), but kick it up a demographic band, into the hands of twenty-somethings who remember their teenage Game Boy years fondly but wouldn't be seen dead with a GBA (or a Nintendo DS, for that matter) today. While it's not uncommon to see fully-grown salarymen playing with their GBAs on the daily commute here in Japan, it's a different story in the UK, where as far as I'm aware, handheld gaming is for kids. (I'll admit I don't know much about the US or European handheld gaming scene. Anyone?) But with upcoming releases of Grand Theft Auto and (my beloved) Gran Turismo for the PSP - as well as a host of other games with more adult content - Sony are clearly trying to repeating the strategy that served them so well for the original PS and PS2. Plus there's the whole media player aspect of the PSP, too. While I can't see myself ever buying a movie in Sony's proprietary UMD format (not when the DVD is so much cheaper, better quality, and more widely playable to boot), I *do* use it to watch TV shows on my way to and from work. Recently I've been taking MPEGs of The Daily Show and Curb Your Enthusiasm and transferring them to my PSP's memory stick. It works really well, and at 55MB an episode, you can Curb a lot of Enthusiasm on a 1GB memory stick. So, PSP = a Good Thing. It's well worth the cash, and it is most definitely *not* your 7-year-old nephew's game console. Or yer Gran's - until Gran Turismo comes out for it, that is... Posted by chris at 10:09 PM | Permalink September 05, 2005Fictionsuits archive - a retrospectiveFor a brief few months in 2001, I was part of a group blog, the Fictionsuits. It ran out of steam and we eventually dissolved the project, but for a while there it was a fun, lively little place, with some good writing (not my bits, so much) and some extremely heated arguments in the comments. Happy days. Now that I'm re-launching Tokyo Tales, I thought I'd take the opportunity to re-publish the few pieces that I contributed to the original site, albeit stripped of the original visitor comments. They appear in the category Fictionsuits alongside any Tokyo Tales posts that I made at the time, pimping the group site. The other writers were:
Posted by chris at 08:07 PM | Permalink September 04, 2005Wipeout Pure Delta Pack 2 available for downloadThe second Delta Pack has been released for Wipeout Pure on the PSP - the Japanese version, anyway. Anyone with the Japanese UMD should use the in-game Online option to download the latest expansion pack. Delta Pack 2 contains two circuits (Koltiwa and Khara Descent) and two more skins (Triakis and AG-Systems). This should also open up a Delta Tournament option inside the game. For anyone trying to decipher the rest of the page, it says:
The brown Continue expansion pack (コンティニュー, in Japanese), containing two additional BGM tracks and a nifty skin (I'm currently using this one) is also available via the game's Online option. Finally, a couple of Coca-Cola themed expansion packs were released last month, but they're disappointingly slimline - only one skin each. The third one, due in September, sounds more promising, with another skin (groan) but also a new circuit. I'm guessing Coca-Cola billboards all the way along the track :( But we'll see. Again, go to your game's Online option and follow the Coke (コカ・コーラ) signs. Passwords are triangle-triangle-circle-circle for the first one, and X-X-square-square for the second. Posted by chris at 10:57 AM | Permalink September 03, 2005Things I Have Been Doing Since We Last Met #1 - DJingThe last two days have seen a slight slacking off in the otherwise frantic pace of development here at Tokyo Tales; yesterday was spent fine-tuning (i.e. obsessing over) the tracklisting for this coming Friday's extravaganza - yours truly trying his hand at DJing. No, don't laugh. Ok, well, maybe just a little guffaw. A friend of a friend runs a night every month or so at a small club in Shibuya. The club is called, appropriately enough given my lack of skills behind the decks, NoStyle, and is nestled in the hilly backstreets behind the Mark City complex. The organiser is quite happy to let even first-timer muppets like myself loose in the DJ booth, hence my involvement. This week will be my third go, and I think I'm slowly getting the hang of it. The first time I did it was a few months ago, in May, so I'm still quite a novice. They're only short sets, 30 minutes, and I'm doing the whole thing from CD, so I'm well aware that it won't count as "real" DJing to any vinyl purists out there, and I'm sure I sucked more ass than a donkey-licking convention in Tijuana, but the first one in particular was great fun nonetheless. And seeing as I have approximately 300 CDs and exactly 0 LPs with me here in Japan, digital was really my only option - short of going on a sudden spending spree through the aisles of Disc Union, of course. Anyway, stay tuned for future announcements. Playlist for May's debut is over the fold, if you're interested (and get yourself a copy of that Love Will Freak Us by Dsico, which is clearly the best mash-up in the world ever, while you're at it). アセカカ☆ナイト(Asekaka Star Night) @ Club NoStyle, May 4th 2005: Posted by chris at 06:48 PM | Permalink Blogging in 日本語I'm hoping to be able to post in Japanese occasionally, so this is a test of how Movable Type handles Japanese text: これは「日本語入力」のテストですよ。Tokyo Tales をよくアクセス下さい。 Here is some extended entry text, also in Japanese: こちらもバイリンガル入力のテストです。 Posted by chris at 02:28 PM | Permalink | Comments (1) September 02, 2005Warming upThe last couple of days have been spent working on the relaunch of this site; slowly getting back into the vagaries of CSS and gently tweaking Movable Type templates. I'm very much just feeling my way back into things at the moment; the site isn't due to launch for a week or so yet, so the entire blog is hidden in a password-protected directory for now. Talk about blogging in a bubble. I've been spending the day marvelling at the lack of cool fonts that Windows 98-based readers users have at their disposal. No Trebuchet MS? You'll just have to make do with Tahoma, I guess. I am of course dedicated to making sure that this site is compatible with all combinations of browsers, platforms, operating systems and shoe sizes, so I'm definitely not going to have one of those "Best viewed on Internet Explorer at 800x600 pixels and a colour depth of 4,096 with your neck craned slightly to the left and your feet in a bucket of tofu" messages up anywhere. Though I do have to say... everything looks better in Safari. Posted by chris at 02:46 PM | Permalink Three years late but moving fastIn last week's episode, Tokyo Tales went on a three-year hiatus. There was much wailing, a little gnashing of teeth, and of course the obligatory misleading holding page. But now it's time to hum the Buck Rogers theme music and fast-forward to 2005. Tokyo Tales is coming back online. At the moment, the blog is hidden from public view while I get it configured and get the first few posts written. I'll probably take it live at the end of the month, but until then, I'll obviously be speaking to myself. (And boy, is it quiet in here.) Why the relaunch? Well, I just felt like it. Also I'm hoping it will serve as a bit of an incentive to keep in touch with people a bit more, which is something I fully accept I've become absolutely awful at over the last few years. ごめんなさい。 But, more importantly, Tokyo is still frikkin' awesome. And I think I forget that sometimes. Re-starting the blog is an effort to force myself to take more notice, to do more, and to appreciate it more. And if writing about it all on a semi-regular basis for a patchy audience of a couple of dozen people who stumble across this site by mistake while looking for Tokyo Times is what it takes, then gosh darn it, that's what I'll do. So, if you're reading this, then it's already October and I did re-launch after all. (Or you've nicked my PowerBook, in which case you can go screw yourself.) Assuming it's the former, welcome back. Posted by chris at 11:00 AM | Permalink September 01, 2005Let me tell you a quick storyTokyo Tales was essentially inactive from October 2002 to September 2005. Here's the holding text I had up on the front page of the site during that time. Once upon a time (well, actually it was about six months ago) there was a man who wanted to take a brief break from his weblog. So he wrote a couple of cryptic posts that hinted at his decision, and just sort of left the site alone for a while. A few people enquired and were reassured that all was well, that there would be more content soon. The site was not dead; it was, in the parlance so beloved of unemployable actors, merely "resting". Then a very bad thing happened. The hosting company pulled the plug on the site, apparently without any warning whatsoever. What's more, they put up a site suspended message which hinted that the owner of the site might have been involved in credit card fraud, copyright abuse or even unsolicitated bulk mailing! Imagine his surprise! Well, you can guess how worried he was. He thought people would see the suspension message (2), remember the cryptic posts (+ 2) and think that he had given up completely (= 5). So he knew he had to sort something out quickly. The man made some enquiries and found out that it was because his hosting plan had expired. The people at the hosting company claimed that their system had e-mailed him a number of times to request payment, but that he had not responded. The man thought this was odd because he had not received any e-mails whatsoever from the hosting company for at least six months - but the company told him that their system had "definitely e-mailed" him, so he "should have received the e-mails". The man was very impressed by this logic, but also a little perturbed that the hosting company hadn't had the initiative or resources to try contacting him in some other way - such as via his other e-mail addresses. Or by postal mail. Or by telephone. Or by hiring small boys to throw rocks at his windows. So, faced with the opportunity to sign up for another year with this hosting company who, on reflection, didn't appear to be all that good, the man ran away and joined the circus, where he was much happier. He learnt all kinds of things, such as why lion-tamers use chairs in their act (the lions are confused by the chair's four legs and don't know where to look) and how to walk a tightrope successfully (focus off in the distance and when you feel yourself about to fall, think and stretch upwards, not sideways to counterbalance) and lived happily ever after with his new friends. No, not really. After all, he had a full-time job to hold down and couldn't really go running off to join the circus every time things got a bit hairy. Instead he signed up with a different hosting company, one with an excellent reputation. Tokyo Tales will be back very shortly. How's that for a happy ending? NB For those of you who don't like happy endings, a box arrives by parcel service. It is found to contain the head of Detective Mills's wife. The John Doe character (played by Kevin Spacey) tells Mills (Brad Pitt) and Somerset (Morgan Freeman) that he has done this in order to goad Mills into killing him, thereby enacting the seventh sin (wrath) and validating Doe's commentary (as espoused by the previous six murders) on the wickedness of man - which, despite Somerset's desperate exhortations, he does. Mills is arrested and the film ends. Posted by chris at 11:12 PM | Permalink |
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