nine-to-five noodle ninja |
<< Previous: Exclusive(ish): Plaid playing tonight in Nishi Azabu November 04, 2005Photo gallery up at Flickr (despite tag woes)Just a quick post to announce that I've got my Flickr account up and running at last: Flickr's awesome, obviously, and like everyone else who's using it I'm extremely impressed with it all, blah blah blah... but I must say I'm extremely pissed off with their tagging system. It works okay in general but seems to have huge problems coping with two-word tags. It tells you to "use quotes" for multiple-word tags ("roppongi hills"), but then seems to arbitrarily concatenate the words anyway (roppongihills). It also seems to ignore underscores, so that roppongi_hills also becomes roppongihills. I wouldn't mind so much if you were then able to search for roppongi hills, but this is patchy at best. I just spent 15 minutes tagging photos "for badge", only to have Flickr tell me that there were no photos thus tagged. My tag cloud told me that I had forbadge instead, so I clicked on that... only to be told that there were no photos tagged forbadge. For f**k's sake. So I tried renaming them all to forbadge (no spaces), only for that tag to disappear completely from my tag cloud too. Then I tried tagging them all fbadge, at which point suddenly forbadge reappeared in the tag cloud. But no effing fbadge. Time for me to give up and go to bed, and for you to enjoy the photos, tagged or not. Posted by chris at November 4, 2005 01:58 AM | Permalink CommentsSome of those photos are stunning. I'm not intentionally trying to inflate your cranium but the long exposure stuff is particularly good. Boo. I'm all jealous now. ;) Posted by: Rob at November 4, 2005 08:42 PM Ah! The Office ... and it all comes flooding back (even going home 'on my own' from Yellow - less said about that the better!) Posted by: Rich at November 4, 2005 10:53 PM You're being very cryptic, Rich. Care to enlighten the rest of us? And Rob, mine are nothing. Check out some of my Contacts' streams. Some truly awesome photos there. Posted by: chris at November 6, 2005 04:50 PM |
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