nine-to-five noodle ninja |
<< Previous: Bar George, by George October 01, 2005Welcome backAaaaaaand.... we're back. Miss me? Thought not. It's okay, I don't blame you. I've got some 'splaining to do, so here's what you need to know. Tokyo Tales is back, after a three-year hiatus. I mothballed the blog in October 2002, as I didn't have time to update it any more. It sat unmolested all that time, with nothing but a simple holding page hinting at an eventual return. This is that return. You should go and read the September 2005 posts. Although I've announced this relaunch for October 1st 2005, I've actually been going since the beginning of September. The blog has been hidden from the general public all that time, of course, so I've just been talking to myself for the last month, but it's been useful nonetheless. I wanted a bit of a head start, needed a bit of time to get up to speed with Movable Type, which is what I'm using this time around, and, quite frankly, needed to get used to typing daily thoughts into a keyboard again. All the old posts from the previous incarnation of Tokyo Tales have been imported into this new version. This is, by my reckoning, the fourth version of Tokyo Tales. (In Doctor Who terms, this means we're up to Tom Baker.) The posts from v3.0 have survived the migration, but I haven't re-posted the original e-mails that comprised v1.0 and v2.0. I may go back and plunder these anew in the near future, but we'll see if I can be arsed. If you want to leave a comment on any of the old posts, feel free. The v3.0 posts (March 2001 to October 2002) didn't have comments enabled when they were created, mainly because I never got around to finding a decent comments system that would work well with Blogger, which is what I was using at the time. Happily, MT has built-in comments and thus, lo and behold, all the old posts now come with comments. Or rather they don't. But that's where you come in. It might feel odd commenting on something that's at least three years old, but don't worry, I'll hear you. And so will the other (I'm anticipating literally several) readers. There might be the odd broken link. The oldest posts on here now date from over four years ago, so it's inevitable that some of the pages they point to will have disappeared. In particular I was distraught to note the passing of my beloved Swedish cockatoo scalextric game; I'm afraid that particular parrot has indeed run down the curtain and joined the choir invisible. So if you find a broken external link, feel free to let me know via the comments, but I can't promise I'll be able to fix it. But I will join you in a brief but respectful period of mourning. Also, this website here is quite a different shape from v3.0; there's no webcam page any more, and I haven't rebuilt the gallery yet, for instance. So if you find a broken link to somewhere that no longer exists inside, then please let me know via the comments and I'll definitely try to patch it up the best I can. ---- I think that's everything you need to know (might have actually wanted to know is a different matter). If you want to catch up, check the September posts for details of what I've been up to since you last heard from me. If you'd like to get in touch, then please use the blog comments for now (just put "confidential" in the body of the comment if you don't want it made public, and I'll catch it before it goes live). I'll add a dedicated contact form to the About page in the near future, too. And finally... welcome back. Posted by chris at October 1, 2005 08:59 AM | Permalink CommentsAnd a warm welcome back to you as well. Like the look of the new blog though am mightily disappointed about the webcam... Thanks for the link, one will appear over at the Riverview in the very near future. Posted by: tokyobogue at October 1, 2005 08:16 PM Yo' welcome and thanks for the link, your Bogueness. My first step on the road to re-integration with the (now considerably livelier than when I was last active) Tokyo blogosphere. Posted by: chris at October 2, 2005 01:53 AM Welcome back, sir. The chances of my finding out you were coming back were a million to one (he said), but still i come. Posted by: mike at October 2, 2005 12:57 PM Thank you Mike - it's good to *be* back. May I ask how your million-to-one shot came about? Posted by: chris at October 2, 2005 08:36 PM It's really not that exciting a story. About a fortnight ago i typed the words "tokyo tales" into a search engine for the first time since about christmas 2002 and found your "it's coming back" page. I may have been looking for the hall of japlish. So, welcome back. This is probably the first blog that i ever read regularly. Posted by: mike at October 2, 2005 11:54 PM thanks for the link Posted by: sushi at October 7, 2005 07:08 PM Hi sushi - glad you like the banner. It's got a bit of randomness built in to it, so you may have to leave it running a while to catch all the weather types. Yo'welcome for the link, and thanks for yours to me too. Good luck with your hair collection... Posted by: chris at October 8, 2005 01:05 PM |
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