
If you want to get in touch for any reason relating to this site and / or the dross contained within, please e-mail me at:
chris at tokyotales dot com

I'm happy to recieve all manner of comments, so let me know if you like / hate what I'm doing. I'm also keen to hear from fellow Tokyoites who might want to contribute Tales of their own, or just go for a beer some time - so get in touch. If I get enough interest, I'll start up a "guest writers" section. Please use the same e-mail as above, i.e. chris at tokyotales dot com

I can also be found lurking on AIM most "evenings" (in the GMT+9 sense of the word) under the alias of chrissan7.

For matters relating to The Kanji SITE, please use:
kanjisite at kanjisite dot com